Friday, February 3, 2012

What is the proper hand placement for shooting a basketball?

Basically, how do you want your hand placed when you're shooting a basketball?What is the proper hand placement for shooting a basketball?
Everyone has their own form, do what feels right!!!!What is the proper hand placement for shooting a basketball?
you want your dominant hand underneath the ball, webbed out with your thumb basically facing the side of the ball. your other hand should be on the side of the ball with the other thumb making an extended "T" with the thumb of your dominant hand. when you shoot the index finger of your dominant, shooting, hand should be the last to leave the ball and should pointing at your target. that's what was always taught to me in camp and i was a 3 year varsity starter; although my HS team really sucked.What is the proper hand placement for shooting a basketball?
the hand that you shoot with on the bottom and the other on the side but dont push with your non shooting hand it is only to guide it

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